Saturday, January 12, 2008

I Have A Lot of Catching Up To Do...

I have spent so much time focusing on my other blog, that I have really been neglecting the scrapbooking that I need to get done. As part of a New Year's resolution, I am promising myself 1 full layout a week. It's a lot to ask of myself, so I am allowing myself to count a layout that is done, but that I get the pictures printed and on the page, along with journaling, that will count as the completed layout for the week. I'm hoping that I will find the time to do my own pages for at least half of the year, though. So I bring you the layout for this last week, and I will be finishing this week's layout today.

I actually made this layout a couple of months back when we had a girl's night out with my sisters and my sister in law. We went to a local scrapbooking store and spent the night scrapping away. It is then that I realized just how out of the scrapbooking scene I am. Although I'm really happy with how this layout turned out, it took me almost all night, and I don't feel like it looks like what you would find in a scrapbook store. But then I realized that this is my type of scrapbooking, and although I know my style will change throughout my life, (and maybe it will change a lot over the year as I get back into scrapbooking), but for right now, this is me.

The title of my blog is "Always Behind" because really, I am always behind. This is the first layout I've scrapbooked with Josh and I, and we have been married for over 2 years, and have been together for over 3!! I am almost finished scrapbooking the whole year of 2004, which will be a milestone, because there is not one year that I have completely finished yet. Hopefully this will change over the next year!!
Anyway, these pictures are from December of 2006. My office has another office in California, and for a couple of years, they flew the Utah office out the California office for the Christmas party. The year before, the company paid for a rental car for two couples to share, but since we wanted to kind of do our own thing and to not have to worry about sharing a car with anyone else, we rented our own car. It was a great decision, because we did a lot of driving, and had a lot of fun. This is from one day that we drove up to Santa Monica and spent hours walking along the beach and taking pictures.And if you are interested, I have this same layout (without the photos, of course) for sale at Scrapifieds. You can find it in my store.

Also, I know that no one reads this right now, but I am trying to find the best way to get my layouts online. I am scanning them right now, but they don't scan the best. If you can see from pictures, the layout looks curved, and the colors are a little bit off. I use a program called autostitch to stitch them together, buy any suggestions to get them online better would be appreciated!!


glamah16 said...

I'm reading it and it all looks great. Very innvative what your doing.

laura vegas said...

i take pictures of all my layouts and find it works great. find some good natural light so you don't have to use your flash. and then either prop your layout up ... or you can lay in on the floor and stand directly above it. once i pull up the picture ... i crop out everything except the layout. works great!

laura vegas said...

forgot what else i wanted to say. lol!

i think realizing what your style is is such an "ah-ha" moment. letting go of whatever you "think" you have to do on your pages ... and embracing what you "enjoy" doing. simple pages, heavy-technique pages, one-photo, muliple-photos ... it's all good! whatever gets the memories on the page and in the album ... and whatever you have fun doing!